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PRL Ahmedabad Recruitment 2016 for Project Engineer

Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) published notification for recruitment for below mention posts. For more details about this recruitment like, educational qualification, age limit, selection process, how to apply & more details as under. You can view official notification by following link.

Total no of Posts: 03 Posts

Name of the PostsProject Engineer

Educational Qualification: BE/B.Tech (full time regular degree course) in Civil Engineering with first class minimum 60% of marks with minimum 3 (three) years relevant post qualification experience in the field of Civil Engineering, Construction, Maintenance and supervision work. The candidate should be computer literate. Preference will be given to candidates having work experience of working in Government/similar institute as of PRL.

Age Limit: 30 years as on 31/12/2015

Consolidated Remuneration: Rs.35000/‐ per month.

Selection Process: Selection will be based on written test & interview.

How to Apply: Interested candidates can apply online through website

Important Date:

Online registration start from:11/03/2016 (at 10:00 am)Last date of online registration: 25/03/2016 (till 5:00 pm)

Important Link:

View official notification hereApply online here (available from 11/03/2016 at 10:00 am)