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Income Tax Jankari 2018 All Govt Karmachari

Income Tax Jankari 2018 All Govt Karmachari

Recently Income tax is that percentage of your income that you pay to the government to fund infrastructural development, pay the salaries of those employed by the state or central governments, etc. All taxes are levied based on the passA mutual fund company is an investment company that receives money from investors for the sole purpose to invest stocks, bonds, and other securities for the benefit of the investors. A mutu inal fund is the portfolio of stocks, bonds, or other securities thatMutual funds are generally safer, but less profitable, than stocks, and riskier, but more profitable than bonds or bank accouan vary widely, depending on nts, although its profit-risk profile cthe fund's investment objective.Most mutual funds are open-end funds, which sells new shares continuously or buys them back from the shareholder (redeems them), dealing directly with the investor (no-load funds) or through broker-dealers, who receive the sales load of a buy or sell order. The purchaseC price is  the net asset value (NAV) at the end of the trading day, which is the total assets of the fund minus its liabilities divided by the number of shares outstanding for

ing of a law, and the law that governs the provisions for our income tax is the Income Tax Act, 1961.

The income tax you pay every month or upon every contractual earning is what forms a large part of the revenue for the Government of India. These revenue functions are managed by the Ministry of Finance, which has delegated

the responsibility to managing direct taxes (like income tax, wealth tax, etc.) to the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT).


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