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Navratri Vacation, Finally This Change Happened

Big News Came After Controversy Over Navratri Vacation, Finally This Change Happened

The government has turned into controversy following the announcement of state education minister Vibhavibir Dave for giving nine-day vacation to the students of Navratri. Now the Navratri vacation will be nine but not seven days. Chief Minister and Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama was also unaware of the announcement made by Vibhavibir in the nine-day vacation of Navratri. The Education Department has officially announced a seven-day vacation to calm the dispute. However, it has been clarified by the education department that who will not be able to interfere in students' test due to vacation.

Chief Minister and Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama also announced a nine-day vacation due to the unavoidable seven-day holiday due to the announcement made by the Chief Minister, senior ministers, including the PM, were displeased. Even the Chief Minister was reprimanded for not making any decision.

This matter will be discussed with the education department officials and necessary changes can also be made in the examination program. However, due to the seven days of Navratri vacation, Diwali vacation is likely to be shortened. According to sources, according to information received by the sources, the senior ministers, including the CM, who had declared a nine-day vacation, were displeased and also reprimanded Vivebri Baban for not making such a decision. It is worth mentioning that the Navratri is started from October 10th .. Navratri is till October 17. When it is Dussehra on Oct. 18 ..
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