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National Health Mission Programme (NHM) Ahmedabad Recruitment for Staff nurse, Operator and other medical Posts 2016

National Health Mission Programme (NHM) Ahmedabad Recruitment for Staff nurse, Operator and other medical Posts 2016

Posts :-

•> Pediatrician: MBBS with PG degree in pediatrics
Salary : Rs. 50000/- per month.
•> Medical Officer: MBBS
Salary : Rs. 40000/- per month.
•> Dentist: BDS
Salary : Rs. 23000/- per month.
•> Staff Nurse: GNM/B.Sc. Nursing
Salary : Rs. 11500/- per month.
•> Dental Technician: Passed 1 or 2 years course on Dental tech
Salary : Rs. 9000/- per month.
•> Physiotherapist: Bachelor's degree in Physiotherapy
Salary : Rs. 12000/- per month.
•> Audiologist and speech Therapist:
Bachelor's degree in Speech and language
Salary : Rs. 12000/- per month.
•> Psychologist:
Master's degree in Child Psychology
Salary : Rs. 10000/- per month.
•> Optometrist:
Bachelor in optometry or master in optom
Salary : Rs. 10000/- per month.
Early Interventionist cum Special •> Educator:
M.Sc. in Disability studies (Early Interve basic degree in physiotherapy (BPT) / Occ therapy (BOT) / Speech Language pathol (ASLP) / MBBS / BAMS / BHMS OR P graduate Diploma in Early Intervention ( with basic degree in physiotherapy (BPT) Occupational therapy (BOT) / Speech Lan pathologist (ASLP) / MBBS OR B.Ed. S Education / Bachelor in Rehabilitation Sci Bachelor in Mental Retardation / Diplom Childhood Special Education.
Salary : Rs. 10000/- per month.
•> Social Worker:
Post Graduate in Sociology or Social work
Salary : Rs. 8500/- per month.
•> Lab Technician:
B.Sc. & Passed Diploma or Bachelor's degree  Medical Laboratory Technician
Salary : Rs. 10000/- per month.
•> Data Entry Operator:
Graduate degree. Good communication skill computer knowledge including data entry management.
Salary : Rs. 8500/- per month.

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