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AAU published an advertisement for recruitment for SRF, Computer Assistant / Project Assistant, Junior Teaching Associate, Research Fellow at Director of Research, Research Fellow for Educational Museum, JRF at Department of Agri. Biotechnology, SRF for Dept. of Veterinary Public Health and RA & SRF. Check more details in below given official notification.

Job Description:

Total No. of Posts: 12 Posts

Job Title:
Senior Research Fellow: 01 PostAge Limit: Maximum 35 years for male and 40 years for femaleComputer Assistant / Project Assistant: 01 PostAge Limit: Maximum 35 years for male and 40 years for femaleJunior Teaching Associate: 02 PostsAge Limit: Maximum 40 years for male and 45 years for femaleResearch Fellow at Director of Research: 01 PostAge Limit: Maximum 35 years for male and 40 years for femaleResearch Fellow for Educational Museum: 01 PostAge Limit: Maximum 40 years for male and 45 years for femaleJunior Research Fellow at Department of Agri. Biotechnology: 01 PostAge Limit: Maximum 30 yearsSenior Research Fellow for Dept. of Veterinary Public Health: 02 PostsAge Limit: Maximum 35 years for male and 40 years for femaleResearch Associate: 01 PostAge Limit: Maximum 40 years for male and 45 years for femaleSenior Research Fellow: 02 PostsAge Limit: Maximum 35 years for male and 40 years for female
Educational Qualification: Check in below given official notification

Interview Date:
Junior Teaching Associate, SRF: 01/06/2016RA & SRF: 09/06/2016Other Posts: 02/06/2016
How to Apply?
Interested candidates may attend the interview along with necessary certificates to given address as indicated in the official notification.

Source Website:
Read Official Notification at Here: