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Gujarat Gaun Seva Pasandgi Mandal (GSSSB) has published notification for Personal Assistant and Stenographer (English / Gujarati), 2015.

GSSSB Exam / Call Letter Notification Personal Assistant & Stenographer Po :

As per the notification Question paper 2 will be h in the month of June, 2016 for the pos of Personal Assistant (Gujarati Stenographer Grade - 2, English Stenographer Grade - 2) and Stenographer (Gujarati and English) Grade - 3.

Notification : Click Here

Call Letters : Click Here (Starts fro 25-05-2016)

Exam date:
Personal Assistant (Gujarati Stenographer Grade - 2): 04/06/2016 [Question paper - 2]
Advt No. 48/2015-16
Personal Assistant (English Stenographer Grade - 2): 04/06/2016 and 05/06/2016 [Question paper - 2 3]
Advt No. 49/2015-16
Stenographer (Gujarati): 05/06/2016 [Question paper - 2]
Advt No. 50/2015-16
Stenographer (English): 05/06/2016 and 06/06/2016 [Question paper - 2 3]
Advt No. 51/2015-16
Exam part 1 (for Question paper - 1) was held on September / October, 2015