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CSIR - University Grants Commission (UGC) has published Advertisement for National Eligibility Test (NET) for Junior Research Fellow Examination - December 2016.

CSIR - University Grants Commission (UGC) has published Advertisement for National Eligibility Test (NET) for Junior Research Fellow Examination - December 2016.

Other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee and how to apply are given below.


Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) And Eligibility for Lectureship

▶Educational Qualification:M. Sc or equivalent degree/ Integrated BS-MS/BS-4 years/BE/BTech/BPharma/MBBS with at least 55% marks for general and OBC-Non Creamy layer candidates (Central list only as provided in National Commission for Backward Classes website and 50% for SC/ST, physically and Visually Handicapped candidates.Candidates enrolled for M.Sc or having completed 10+2+3 years of the above qualifying examination as on the closing date of online submission of application form, are also eligible to apply in the above subject under the Result Awaited (RA) category on the condition that they complete the qualifying degree with requisite percentage of marks within the validity period of two years to avail the fellowship from the effective date of award of fellowship.Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (Given at the reverse of the application form) duly certified by the Head of Institute/Dean/Head of Department from where the candidate is appearing or has appeared.BSc (Hons) or equivalent degree holders or students enrolled in Integrated MS-PhD program with at least 55% marks for general and OBC (Non Creamy layer) candidates; 50% marks for SC/ST, physically and visually handicapped candidates are also eligible to apply. Candidates with bachelor’s degree will be eligible for CSIR fellowship only after getting registered/enrolled for PhD/Integrated PhD program within the validity period of two years. The eligibility for lectureship of NET qualified candidates will be subject to fulfilling the criteria laid down by UGC. PhD degree holders who have passed eligible to apply for Lectureship only.

▶Age Limit :For JRF (NET):Maximum 28 years as on 01-07-2016 (upper age limit may be relaxed up to 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/OBC(non creamy layer)/ Physically handicapped/Visually handicapped and female applicants).For LS (NET): No upper age limit.
▶Examination Fee:
Candidates applying for the Test may deposit their Examination fee, after verifying their eligibility, in any branch of the Indian Bank throughout the country by paying the following fee in cash through bank challan to be downloaded from the CSIR website OR through NEFT from any other Bank branch. The journal number or the UTR number given by the Bank is to be filled in the payment details while submitting the application form:


Rs. 1000/-

Other Backward Classes(OBC)-Non Creamy Layer
Rs. 500/-

SC/ST/Physically Handicapped (PH) or Visually Handicapped (VH )
Rs. 250/-

◾Candidates may deposit their fees through NEFT by giving particulars of the Indian Bank, as notified in the fee deposit challan.

▶Date and Scheme of the Test :
The single paper MCQ based test will be held tentatively on Sunday, the 18th December, 2016 as under:


(i) Life Sciences
(ii) Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences
(iii) Mathematical Sciences
(iv) Chemical Sciences
(v) Physical Sciences

▶marks: 200

◾Session: Morning Session
◾Timing: 9.00AM-12.00 Noon
◾Duration: 3 hrs

◾Afternoon Session
2.00 PM-5.00 PM

▶How to Apply:

Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website after successfully submitting application online are required to take print out of the Application Form, paste his/her recent black & white photograph, put his/her signature at the required space, attach caste certificate, if applicable and send along with CSIR marked copy of fee deposited Bank Challan in an envelope super scribed with Subject Code, Centre Code & Medium Code to The Deputy Secretary (Exam), Human Resource Development Group, Examination Unit, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-110012 so as to reach on or before 16.09.2016 (23.09.2016 for remote areas).

▶Advertisement : Click Here

▶Apply Online : Click Here

◾ Important Dates :Starting Date of Online Application : 16-08-2016Last Date to Apply Online : 09-09-2016Last Date for Payment of application Fees: 08-09-2016Last Date for receipt of application: 16-09-2016Last Date for receipt of application in remote area: 23-09-2016Last Date for receipt of written request for change of Examination Centre only on merit basis: 14-10-2016Tentative date of Publication of list of candidates registered for test on CSIR, HRDG website: 15-11-2016Last date for accepting representation about non-registration for this test: 22-11-2016Issue of e-Admission Certificate to registered candidates: 1st week of December 2016Date of Single MCQ Examination: 18-12-2016 (Tentatively