SBI customers can quickly complete this work, not your account will be closed!
New Delhi: If you are a subscriber of State Bank of India, you will have to complete any necessary work before December 31. .
The bank said that if the customer wants to continue the banking service from January
1, then any account has to be linked with the basis of his account.
If not doing so, the customer account will be deactivated.
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Bank has been instructed that if the support card is not linked to the bank by December 31, then it may be difficult to operate your account since January
1. The bank has made it clear that the non-disclosure account will be closed. State Bank of India has given this information by tweeting its Twitter account.
3-State Bank of India, SBI bank buddy, SBI ATM rules
SBI has tweeted that you will soon have to link your account with support to take advantage of Digital Life.
This is the last date for the 31st of December. The account that the customer will not do will be suspended from January 1 until they link to the support number.
4-State Bank of India, SBI bank buddy, SBI ATM rules
First of all go to the mobile phone's message box. Now type in the message box UID support number, such as: UID 1234569012 11002233445.
Now send this message to 567676 from your registered mobile phone. After some time the message has been sent, you will get the instruction to link the bank account with you. However, this requires your mobile number to be registered
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