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All Gujarati News Papers and News sites…

Gujarati News Papers and News sites

Sandesh | સંદેશ

Ahmedabad based newspaper also published from Baroda, Surat, Rajkot and Bhavnagar. 2017 Gujarat Assembly Election news.

Divya Bhaskar

One of the most widely read and circulated newspapers in Gujarat. Gujarat Election 2017 news.

Gujarat Samachar | ગુજરાત સમાચાર

Gujarat Samachar ia a leading Gujarati-language newspaper.

Mumbai Samachar

Mumbai Samachar is one of the oldest continuously published newspapers in India.


Gujarati evening daily from Jamnagar, Gujarat.

Sambhav News

Ahmedabad based newspaper.


Economic Times (Gujarati)

NavGujarat Samay

Akila Daily

Daily evening newspaper published in Rajkot, Gujarat.


Sardar Gurjari


Daily is a newspaper published in Bhuj Kutch, Gujarat.

Sanj Samachar

Featuring news and information from Rajkot, Saurashtra, Gujarat.

Ahmedabad Mirror (in English)

Western Times(Ahmedabad)

Gujarati Midday

Gujarat Today

Gujarati language newspaper published by the Lokhit Prakashan Sarvajanik Trust.

Vishwa Gujarat


Dhabkar (Surat)

Gujarat Guardian

Eagle News

Lok Mijaj

Janmabhoomi newspapers

Lok Sansar

Published from Gandhinagar and Bhavnagar.

Jai Hind Newspaper Gujarati News

Gujarati news and information site.

Gujarat news: Times of India

Gujarat News: IBNLive

Saurashtra Aaspass

Gujarat News Headlines : Zee News

Gujarat Times (Australia)

Gujarat Abroad (Canada)

Gujarat State Portal


BBC – Gujarati Programme

Vishwa Gujarat

Naya Padkar

Muslim sandesh

Gujarat Times (USA)