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QR codes in NCERT books from 2019

QR codes in NCERT books from 2019

Career counseling is the methods by which you explain the career development process and help the employee identify career goals and career plans. Career development begins with and success depends on effective career counseling. Career counseling focuses on the employee’s career goals and the preparation of career plans consistent with the organization’s future staffing needs. Career counseling should lead to a career plan that identifies the employee’s short-term and long-term career goals and subsequently the training and development needed to achieve those goals, and the range of career options to provide flexibility for growth and development. 

Counseling should be directed at getting the right people trained and developed at the right time to fill organization’s staffing needs. All employees covered by a career program are to be offered career counseling at least once a year, or when requested by the employee to assist in developing realistic career plans (Baruch, 2006). Career counseling should be a continuous process that meets the continuing needs of employees. Effective career counseling is dependent on your knowledge of the career management system.

Experts describe coaching as “on-the-job training.” On the contrary it’s a very special kind of training. It’s not what a co-worker might do when showing someone how the database is set up. It’s different from managing, too; it’s less about directing the work and more about helping someone succeed in their plans and goals, it’s about evoking Excellence in others, “it’s a way of working with people that leaves them more competent and more fulfilled so that they are more able to contribute to their organizations and find meaning in what they are doing 

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