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Jio customers will feel a big tweak, now can not get free

Jio customers will feel a big tweak, now can not get free

Reliance Jio customers will soon get a bigger jolt. The company is starting to charge for the use of many popular apps. That's why customers have to pay the money if they want to use this app. The company is moving popular apps such as Geo TV, Geo Cinemas and Geo Mags to the French model.

Under this model the company will provide content to subscribers free of charge, but for those who have premium content, the customers will have to pay Rs. This will make it expensive to use these apps.

Apart from Jio's consumer data, these apps used a large number of apps. This led to a significant increase in the number of its subscribers. With these apps, Geo customers used to watch and listen to many TV serials, films and songs without money at the expense of money.

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