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Online Police Quiz 6 By Ocean Of Jobs

Online Police Quiz 6 By Ocean Of Jobs

Hello Friends ! here is an important online quiz for upcoming Gujarat police Constable Exam. Here you can give online test related Exam Syllabus and can prepare better for any exam.(Online Police Quiz 6 By OceanOfJobs)


Online Police Quiz 6


The mission statement for that hotel was the hub of a great wheel. It spawned the thoughtful, more specialized mission statements of particular groups of employees. It was used as the criterion for every decision that was made. It clarified what those people stood for — how they related to the customer, how they related to each other. It affected the style of the managers and the leaders. It affected the compensation system. It affected the kind of people they recruited and how they trained and developed them. Every aspect of that organization, essentially, was a function of that hub, that mission statement.

But the thing that impressed me the very most was to see an employee, on his own, admit a mistake to his boss. We ordered room service, and were told when it would be delivered to the room. On the way to our room, the room service person spilled the hot chocolate, and it took a few extra minutes to go back and change the linen on the tray and replace the drink. So the room service was about fifteen minutes late, which was really not that important to us.

When I begin work with companies that have already developed some kind of mission statement, I ask them, “How many of the people here know that you have a mission statement? How many of you know what it contains? How many were involved in creating it? How many really buy into it and use it as your frame of reference in making decisions?”


Name : Online Police Quiz 6

Quiz/Test No. : 6

File Type : Online

Subject : G.K

Total Marks : 20