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RAILWAY GROUP-D The Questions Received From Today And Yesterday's Test

RAILWAY GROUP-D The Questions Received From Today And Yesterday's Test Subjects Are As Follows

Group - D questions

* The questions received from today and yesterday's test subjects are as follows. *

* Used for fruit baking - Ethylene *

* નો The largest part of the brain -? *

* 🌼75 Golden Globe Award - America *

* What is the tomato acid -? *

* 🌼 Ashmita Yojana was implemented in the state - Maharashtra. *

* 🌼 The founder of the city of Agra - Sultan Sikandar Lodi. *

* Gujarat Chief Minister - Vijay Rupani. *

* ની Line between India and China - MAC Mohan Rekha. *

* ના Inventor of Oxygen - Joseph Priestley. *

* 🌼 Radial Therapeutic Use - In Cancer Disease. *

🌼 The state with the longest coastline - Gujarat. *

* Which glands control the body temperature - Hypothalamus *

* 🌼 Heredity Generator - Gregor Jon. *

* Used for the conservation of foodstuffs - Benzike acids. *

* 🌼 Which gas is used in vegetable light synthesis - Carbon dioxide. *

* 🌼 2018 European Film Festival took place. - New Delhi. *

* 🌼 Chief Minister of Nagaland - Nepaliya Rio. *

* 🌼 Dena Bank CEO - Ashwini Kumar. *

* 🌼 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre - 13 April 1919. *

* 🌼 Before Viceroy - Lord Kerning. *

* ના CEO of SBI - Arundhati Bhattacharya. *

* 🌼 World Women's Day to be celebrated - March 8 *.

* 🌼 Railway Minister of Gujarat -? *

* 🌼 World Cancer Day.- February 4. *

* ના CEO of ICICI - Chandra Kochhar. *

* World Bank Headquarters - America. *

* Which actress played the character of Allauddin Khilji in Padmavat? - Ranveer Singh. *

* 🌼 What is dry ice? Positive Carbon Dioxide. *

* 🌼 2018 IPL winners - Chennai Super Kings. *

* 🌼 The Most Excellent Coal - Anthracite. *

* 🌼 Haryana Governor - Satyadev Narayan. *

* 🌼 Hima Das - Brand Ambassador of Assam. *

* ના Director of ISRO - K. Seven. *

* 🌼 Chief Election Commissioner - Om Prakash Rawat. *

* There were many questions related to mathematics and reheating. (Mathematics is of the same candidate.) *

* 👉 Age based 5 examples. *

* ના 5 examples of plain and compounded interest. *

* ના 5 examples of resoning, statement, calculation. *

* ના 2 examples of diagram. *

* 👉 Blood Related An Example. *

* ના 8 examples of diagram (reflection in mirror, water purifier, and clock). *

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