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21-day Diwali vacation is announced, now what about Navratri vacation?

21-day Diwali vacation is announced, now what about Navratri vacation?

The state will start from 10th to 9th November. The government has clarified that the mandatory Navratri vacation has to be kept but the state's Bahubali administrators are doing the rounds of government's decision. Although Jyano's logic is correct, its opposition is making the government's image worse in the state. Announcement of Navratri vacations is being made in state-run private schools including state. The State Government, the education system is compiling the compulsory Navratri vacation by declaring one circular one after another.

Bhupendrasinh explains that, there will be a Navratri vacation in the state. There will be no Navratri vacation in CBSE schools but it is likely that they can get 2 to 3 leave. The biggest opposition to Navratri vacation in the state is from Rajkot and Surat. In a separate statement about Rupani and Navratri vacation, there was a spate of protests in Rajkot. There is a dispute in Surat now.

According to media reports, some private schools in Surat have announced a 21-day holiday in Diwali. The state government, Education Department has ordered Navratri vacation from October 10 to 18. Against this, Self-financed School Administrator of 400 private schools in Surat protested and declared the education work only in the night in Navratri. However, now the controversy arriving near the days of Navratri is reviving again.

In this case, parents and children are also allowed to live in Surat, that there will be Navratri vacation or Diwali vacation will be 21 days. In spite of the government opening up, Surat has rattled this issue.

The matter needs to be addressed by the education minister or education officer. According to media reports, school administrators are not in the mood for Navratri vacation. There is also a need to clarify in Surat about this. Presently, there is a situation like Navarathri Vachanar, Naro va cujarro va. No one is explaining

Reasons for the administration not giving Navratri vacation

In Surat, people from all over the state and the country came and lived. And Diwali is returning after vacation in festivals.
68 percent of the state's schools run in the afternoon shift. So students can study in the school by playing Dandiya Raas comfortably.
Examinations begin after the Navaratri vacation of students, will they read or play Garba?
Even if the government changes the time of Navratri, the number of schools that run in the morning shift will be sufficient for children to come to school.

News Report in Gujarati