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Follow the Below Steps to check Primary Teacher Transfer Vacancy or orderName Of Teacher : Here you have to write the Full name of Teacher who want to Transfer.
Gender : Select the Gender which from Male or Female.
PAN Number : Where you have to type your PAN number if you have.
Mobile Number : Here you have to write your personal mobile number for the notification or updates of Primary Teacher Transfer.
Email : If you have email ids then write in email box. it is optional filed.
Education Competency : Here you have to select the education qualification.
Training Competency : Here select the training competency.
School Code : Here writes the Dias code of the current school.
School Name : Write your current school name.
City Name : Here you have write down the name of city where you live now.
Taluka Name : Here you have to write down the name of taluka.
Jilla Name : Here you have to write down the name of Jilla.
Pay Centre Code : In this box you have to write Pay Centre Dais Code.
Pay Centre Name : Where you have to write the name of Pay centre.
City Name : Here you have to write down the name of city where pay centre stayed.
Taluka Name : Here Write down the name of taluka where pay centre stayed.
Jilla Name : Here Write down the name of jilla where pay centre stayed.
DOB (Date of Birth) : Here Write down the Birth Date of applicant.
Date of Account Entry : Here select the Date of when you entered in the account.
Date of School Entry : Here select the Date of when you entered in the school.
Date of School Exit : Here select the date when you exit from the school.
5. Then Upload your photograph for the application form.
6. Then Do Signature.
7. Now click on the Submit button to submit your application form to the DPE Gujarat Education Department.
8. You can take a print for the future use.
9. Now you have to submit your print of application form and document to the TPEO office.