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Have an alert if you have 14 apps, including SBI, ICICI, HDFC in your mobile

Have an alert if you have 14 apps, including SBI, ICICI, HDFC in your mobile

Security company Quick Heel Security Labs has given Warning for Android smartphone users. The security company has detected two banking trojan malware (virus) Android.Marcher.C and Android.Asacub.T. Who stole financial / banking data by using the most popular social media and banking apps. This banking virus is using the icon like Adobe Flash Player. And once installed on a smartphone, this virus receives access to personal data by force and force users to select the Activate button.

Banks in India use the To-Time User Authentication System. Security Experts warned that this virus can also penetrate into two-time user authentication. This means that the virus to damage this system can reach your bank account. These viruses also deliver OTPs to hackers, so hackers can easily transfer money from your account to their account. According to Quick Heel Security Labs, the most recent threat to malware detected is on 14 apps.
Virus-hazardous banking apps
- SBI Anywhere Personal, iMobile by ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank MobileBanking Lite, Union Bank Mobile Banking, Baroda mPassbook, Axis Mobile
Social Media Apps Threatened by Viruses
- WhatsApp, Facebook, Skype, Google Chrome: Fast & Secure, Twitter, Instagram, Bitter, Line

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