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Your phone's look will change in just 3 minutes

Your phone's look will change in just 3 minutes

There is now a lamination paper in the tech market, which lets you make the most of your smartphone look. If you are tired of putting a back cover on a smartphone and you want to give a new look to the phone, the lamination sheet (mobile back skin) can be used. This sheet is waterproof. Also, any company logo can be attached to it.
Price starting from Rs 150

- The cost of lamination paper starts at around 150 rupees, which lasts up to 350.
- The value of branded lamination sheet can still be higher.

- This sheet is waterproof, though it does not get worse despite it being water.

- This paper does not have a scratch on the phone's back cell and gets a premium look.

How to apply lamination sheet
- The lamination paper has glue, which touches easily on the back side of the phone.

It can be removed by hand while bubbling while poking on the phone.

- After the lamination is done around the phone, the hot air blower is fixed.

- Then the extra part is cut off using Paper Nif.

- It takes about 3 minutes to process the entire process.

If you live in Ahmedabad and want to have such a sheet on your phone, then such a sheet will be found in the Mangalamurthi Complex in front of Rupam Cinema located in the city. Purchase a sheet from the shop if possible, stick it on the phone only.

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